Roof Washing NY cleans black streaks off roofs in Katonah and Armonk, New York. Operated by Westchester Power Washing, Roof Washing NY is one of the highest rated roof cleaning companies. Roof Washing NY is recognized for our customer service and for making roofs look new again by removing the lichens, moss, mildew and fungus from roofs. We only use environmentally safe products for families, pets and landscaping.

Homeowners in Katonah and Armonk, New York are experiencing higher than normal black streaks on their roofs due to the humidity. As a result, mold, mildew and black streaks are more visible than years past. Washing your roof now, before winter, helps preserve your roof and extend the life of your roof.

Common issues Katonah and Armonk homeowners have noticed are:

  • Extremely dark black streak on their roof and shingles
  • Vinyl Siding moldy and extra dirty

Roof Washing NY has the expertise to solve these issues. Call Westchester Power Washing at (914) 490-8138 for a free estimate to have your roof cleaned and your siding cleaned. In addition, learn ways to avoid mold, mildew, lichens and fungus from damaging your home.

When you call, Peter, the owner of Westchester Power Washing is available to answer your questions. Peter comes to your home to do the estimates. When finished, he will leave you with a list of his observations and expert recommendations.

Our website is . Once there, take a look at our other services and blogs. And, feel free to forward our website to a friend or neighbor, we appreciate the support!

Roof Washing NY has been in business for more than 25 years in Westchester County. Contact Westchester Power Washing for references. Or, go to for testimonials from satisfied customers in Katonah, Armonk and other towns in Westchester County.